Spanish familia, about family in Spanish newspapers Cover Image

Hiszpańska familia, czyli o rodzinie w wybranych przykładach prasy hiszpańskojęzycznej
Spanish familia, about family in Spanish newspapers

Author(s): Martyna SOŃTA
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Social history
Published by: Zakład Historii Edukacji w Instytucie Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
Keywords: picture of the world in mass media; linguistic picture of the world press; family; information society; axiology

Summary/Abstract: The prominent position of the media in society plays a big role in creating the image of reality, which significantly affects the perception of the audience to discussed phenomena and events. Spaniards take part in shaping the information society, and are active consumers of media communication. Journals of the Iberian Peninsula dynamically present and discuss political, economic and social issues of the nation and of Europe and the world. One of the key topics often discussed in the Spanish press is the family in the context of different phenomena. The intention of the author is to present a picture of the family in the Spanish media on the basis of the analysis of the most widely read articles in the mass-market Spanish newspapers “El País”, “ABC” and “El Mundo”. The paper will also discuss the serious problem of domestic violence and the protection of the rights of the family in Spain. An important objective of this study is to show how the issues and comments on the issue of family are presented in the press, how media coverage of the family is portrayed, and whether the image is consistent in terms of content. An overview of items will approximate the situation of the family against the relevant processes of economic, social and cultural rights, including the economic crisis, changing demographics, migration, intercultural communication and globalization. Applying the findings will enable an attempt to provide answers to the question of how to create the role of family members, to promote certain attitudes and consequently determine the significance of the values and traditions of the family in the era of modernity and the third industrial revolution.

  • Issue Year: XIII/2016
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 73-85
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: English, Polish
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