On mock heroism in “The voyage to the holy land from naples” by Juliusz Słowacki Cover Image

Heroikomika w poematach dygresyjnych Juliusza Słowackiego
On mock heroism in “The voyage to the holy land from naples” by Juliusz Słowacki

Author(s): Roman Dąbrowski
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: Juliusz Słowacki; mock heroic poem; digressive poem; epic poetry; romantic irony

Summary/Abstract: The starting point of the considerations which constitute the core of the article is thesimilarity between two genres: mock heroic poem and digressive poem. As mock heroiccategory is vital for the former, the question is whether it plays a part in the latter. Theaim of this article is to scrutinise this issue on the basis of The voyage to the Holy Land fromNaples by J. Słowacki. The focus is put on those fragments of the poem in which mockheroic category manifests itself clearly. The poet`s stance on the evoked conventionalelements of epic tradition, such as invocation to Muse, introduction or Homeric simile,and their place in the poem is crucial. The presented analyses in the article lead toa conclusion that in a Romantic digressive poem, mock heroism functions as a subject ofironical poet`s play, who in this way demonstrates the power of his talent.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 71
  • Page Range: 57-67
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Polish
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