Prefixal-suffixal adverbs of the po polsku ‘in Polish’-type in dictionaries and in texts Cover Image

Przysłówki prefiksalno-sufiksalne typu po polsku w słowniku i w tekście
Prefixal-suffixal adverbs of the po polsku ‘in Polish’-type in dictionaries and in texts

Author(s): Patrycja Pałka
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA Sp. z o.o.

Summary/Abstract: The goal of the current paper is to determine whether contemporary dictionaries and works dealing with syntactic and semantic properties of adverbs (cf. Grzegorczykowa 1975; Laskowski 1998; Wróbel 1996, 2001, 2004; Grochowski 1986, 1997), reflect the actual usage of adverbs of the po polsku ‘in Polish’-type in texts, and whether the linguistic processes involved in their textual use have any impact on lexicographic descriptions. The problem is a difficult and complex one, and we decided to limit our considerations to those adverbial derivatives only, which are formed nearly regularly by the combination of the prefix po- and the suffix -u from denominal adjectives ending in -ski, -cki (-dzki), e.g. po polsku ‘in Polish’, po katolicku ‘the Catholic way’, po szwedzku ‘in Swedish’. Thus, we shall start by discussing the crucial theoretical assumptions about the class we focus on; next we will analyse the lexicographic material excerpted from the four newest dictionaries of Polish: SWJP, USJP, ISJP and PSWP, and to finish, we will present the results of an analysis of the source material which we have extracted from the texts collected in the National Corpus of Polish.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 12
  • Page Range: 45-63
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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