Циганите като обект на асимилационна политика (от края на 1950-те до 1980-те години
Gypsies as an Object of Assimilation Policy (from the end of 1950s until 1980s)
Author(s): Maya GrekovaSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Институт за изследване на населението и човека - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Roma; Gypsy; assimilation policy; assimilation measures; People’s Republic of Bulgaria.
Summary/Abstract: The article presents a document research of archives that provide information about the nature of assimilation policies against Roma during the period 1950-1980. A number of measures focused on members of the Roma minority and related to their self-determination, education, labor and so forth are analysed and discussed in detail. Successes and failures of various measures and policies during period under discussion are also critically analysed.
Journal: Население
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 3-4
- Page Range: 257-275
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Bulgarian