Different Experiences, Different Knowledge? National and Transnational Methodologies and the Slipping Research Subject. Reflections on Example of the Bilateral Project “Narratives of Writers of Polish Descent in Germany after 1989” Cover Image

Inne doświadczenia, inna wiedza? Metodologie narodowe i ponadnarodowe a uciekający przedmiot badań. Rozważania na przykładzie bilateralnego projektu „Narracje pisarek i pisarzy polskiego pochodzenia w Niemczech po roku 1989”
Different Experiences, Different Knowledge? National and Transnational Methodologies and the Slipping Research Subject. Reflections on Example of the Bilateral Project “Narratives of Writers of Polish Descent in Germany after 1989”

Author(s): Brigitta Helbig‑Mischewski, Małgorzata Zduniak-Wiktorowicz
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Comparative Linguistics, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
Keywords: comparative literature; national and transnational literature; literature of Polish (im)migrants in Germany

Summary/Abstract: The article presents the research project devoted to the literary works of the youngest authors of Polish descent that is immigrant writers who left Poland as children or teenagers and began to write and publish after 1989 in Germany. This group of authors born in the 1970s. and 1980s. (Magdalena Felixa, Sabrina Janesch, Matthias Nawrat, Magdalena Parys, Paulina Schulz, Adam Soboczynski and Alexandra Tobor) barely exists in the minds of Polish and German readers, and it has not been the subject of any research yet. Therefore the research study project, conducted by the authors of the article, aims at a comprehensive description and analysis of the abovementioned writers’ works published after 2000. The frame of reference for the research is the writing of the middle generation of Polish writers who were members of the so-called ‘last wave of Polish immigration’.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 6
  • Page Range: 381-394
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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