On (Im)Possibility of Applying a Model of Mental Dictionary in Foreign Language Coursebooks (On the Basis of Learning Russian by Polish Learners) Cover Image

O (nie)możliwości zastosowania modelu słownika umysłowego w podręcznikach do nauczania języka obcego (na przykładzie języka rosyjskiego dla Polaków)
On (Im)Possibility of Applying a Model of Mental Dictionary in Foreign Language Coursebooks (On the Basis of Learning Russian by Polish Learners)

Author(s): Izabela Nowak
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: frame; mental glossary; bilingualism; glottodidactics

Summary/Abstract: The article is an attempt at searching for theoretical basics for effective foreign languagelearning. The starting point for the considerations is the bilingual model, which is a subordinateand coordinate method of organizing linguistic material of the mother tongue and foreignlanguage. Formation of bilingual (Polish-Russian) mental glossary of a learner is treated asa mental process and effectiveness of its reorganization is based on the concept of the frame.The author’s considerations are illustrated with an analysis of selected teaching resources forteaching Russian as a foreign language to Polish students.

  • Issue Year: 1/2013
  • Issue No: XV
  • Page Range: 103-116
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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