Internet Discussion Fora: A New Sphere of Activity and a Source of Cognition of Polish Elderly from the Perspective of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Cover Image

Internetowe fora dyskusyjne: nowa przestrzeń aktywności i źródło poznania polskich seniorów z perspektywy badań glottodydaktycznych
Internet Discussion Fora: A New Sphere of Activity and a Source of Cognition of Polish Elderly from the Perspective of Foreign Language Teaching and Research

Author(s): Anna Jaroszewska
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie
Keywords: Internet; discussion fora; geragogics; foreign language teaching; research

Summary/Abstract: Although the Internet originated in the late 1960’s, the actual popularization of thismedium took place in the 1990’s. In Poland this process was initiated, and still continues,with a few years’ delay in comparison with West European countries or the United States.However, the Internet services market has changed significantly also in Poland ever since.The Internet has revolutionized almost all realms of life. It is becoming an increasinglypopular sphere of activity among not only young people but also the elderly. This, in turn,creates new opportunities to learn about the elderly and the way of their individual and socialfunctioning. This article presents sources of knowledge of Polish Internet websites and theirusers. The Polish elderly as Internet users have been described here as well. The Internetdiscussion forum serving as a new sphere of activity and a source of cognition of the Polishelderly has been discussed. Finally, an attempt has been made to define research potential ofthe aforementioned sphere in terms of language education studies.

  • Issue Year: 2/2012
  • Issue No: XIV
  • Page Range: 21-34
  • Page Count: 14
  • Language: Polish
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