To the question of the political drama in the works of V. Nabokov and I. Brodsky. Based on the plays: V. Nabokov "The invention of Waltz", I. Brodsky "Democracy!". Cover Image

К вопросу о политической драме в творчестве В. Набокова и И. Бродского. На материале пьес В. Набокова "Изобретение Вальса" и И. Бродского "Демократия!"
To the question of the political drama in the works of V. Nabokov and I. Brodsky. Based on the plays: V. Nabokov "The invention of Waltz", I. Brodsky "Democracy!".

Author(s): Tatyana Landa
Subject(s): Poetry, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature, Philology, Drama
Published by: Uniwersytet Opolski
Keywords: drama; political drama; emigration; Nabokov; Brodsky

Summary/Abstract: The article examines a little-studied phenomenon of Russian literature in emigration — drama by V. Nabokov and I. Brodsky. Genre of political play, in the works of both writers is not accidental one. The part of the writers, being the subject of many studies, appeared in it as a new contemporary literary plane. The historical background did influence the formation of the concept of creativity in general. The return of this literature allows us to expand the boundaries of our knowledge and the idea of Russian literature in emigration. В статье анализируется мало изученное явление эмигрантской литературы — драматургия В. Набокова и И. Бродского. Жанр политической пьесы, в творчестве обоих художников не случаен. В нем раскрылись с новой, для современных литературоведов, стороны писатели, изучению творчества которых посвящены множественные труды. Историческая ретроспектива повлиявшая на формирование концепции творчества в целом. Возвращение этой литературы позволяет расширить границы наших знаний и представление о русской словесности в эмиграции.

  • Issue Year: 1/2015
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 77-83
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Russian
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