Analysis of the criminal cases dealing mainly with the resolution to drop/remove criminal investigation/dismissal/non-initiation of criminal investigation while enforcing an administrative sanction instead for the offenses set out in the Government’s Cover Image

Analiza cauzelor penale având ca obiect, în principal, soluțiile de renunțare/scoatere de sub urmărirea penală/clasare/neîncepere a urmăririi penale, cu aplicarea unei sancțiuni administrative, pentru infracțiunile prevăzute în Ordonanța de urgență
Analysis of the criminal cases dealing mainly with the resolution to drop/remove criminal investigation/dismissal/non-initiation of criminal investigation while enforcing an administrative sanction instead for the offenses set out in the Government’s

Author(s): Elena Georgiana Hosu
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Universul Juridic
  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 214-250
  • Page Count: 37
  • Language: Romanian
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