Правописна, морфологична и лексикална преправка на словата в Троянския дамаскин
Orthographic, Grammatical and Lexical Modification of the Sermons in the Troyan Collection of Homilies
Author(s): Vasil VasilevSubject(s): Language studies
Published by: Кирило-Методиевски научен център при Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: If we compare the Troyan collection of homilies with other archaic and modern Bulgarian written representations, we can come to the conclusion that the copyist Avram Yerey Dimitrievich altered not only orthographically, but he also made certain changes in terms of morphology and vocabulary. In fact, he remodelled eighteen sermons in this manuscript. No changes were made only in “Oration about the Ten Commandments”. But in the .New Troyan collection the text of this oration was entirely remade in the spirit of the already mentioned Troyan collection. The results of the orthographic, morphologic and lexical refashioning of the homilies from the Troyan collection that have been carried out, give grounds for accepting that the alteration was done by the copyist. He skilfully realised the continuity between the mid-Bulgarian literary tradition and the modern written practice with respect to orthography and, at the same time, he enriched to a great extent the bulk of synonyms with old and modern lexical items.
- Issue Year: 1993
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 72-88
- Page Count: 17
- Language: Bulgarian