Interactive Methods of Teaching of Economic Disciplines in Higher Educational Institutions in the Context of Ensuring the Quality of Training of National Specialists Cover Image

Інтерактивні методи викладання економічних дисциплін у вищих навчальних закладах в контексті забезпечення якості підготовки вітчизняних фахівців
Interactive Methods of Teaching of Economic Disciplines in Higher Educational Institutions in the Context of Ensuring the Quality of Training of National Specialists

Author(s): Oleksandr Gai, Evgeniya Zakharova
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Sociology, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Кіровоградський національний технічний університет
Keywords: interactive methods of delivery; discussion; “brain storm”; “question-answer” interactive approach

Summary/Abstract: The article is dedicated to the substantiation of the necessity of usage of interactive methods of delivery in the professional study of the students of economic specializations. The article discloses the sense of the definition “interactive methods”. There are underlined the main advantages of usage above-mentioned methods in the academic process of future economists. Also there are analyzed the most efficient interactive approaches to lecture delivery such as elements of discussions and “Brain Storm”. The article represents the main ways of usage interactive methods at seminars. There are defined the peculiarities and structure of “question-answer” and “Case Study” approaches to seminar, which develop students’ professional competency, extend their cognitive abilities in the analysis and usage of academic information, that becomes the basis for the success in their future occupation. It has been grounded that interactive methods of delivery can be efficient addition to the classical methods of teaching. The organization of academic process with the organic combination of traditional and interactive approaches to teaching economic subjects allows getting the best results in the formation of students’ professional knowledge and skills.

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