The Index of the Acts regarding the Wallachian and Moldavian Ecclesiastic Institutions until 1742. The Documents Collection of the National Archives of Iaşi Cover Image

Repertoriul actelor privitoare la instituţiile ecleziastice din Ţara Românească şi Moldova până în 1742. Colecţia Documente de la Arhivele Naţionale-Iaşi*
The Index of the Acts regarding the Wallachian and Moldavian Ecclesiastic Institutions until 1742. The Documents Collection of the National Archives of Iaşi

Author(s): Arcadie Bodale
Subject(s): History, Middle Ages
Published by: Societatea de Studii Istorice din România
Keywords: index; documents; collection; ecclesiastic institutions; Wallachia; Moldavia; Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem; Patriarchate of Alexandria; Serbia;

Summary/Abstract: This paper represents an instrument containing the registered documents pertaining to the ecclesiastic institutions from the Romanian Principalities until the reforms of Constantin Mavrocordat preserved in Colecţia Documente and Colecţia Documente-Spiridonie from the National Archives of Iaşi. The documents pertaining to the ecclesiastic institutions from Moldavia can be found in almost all packages of the above mentioned collections. We refer to documents pertaining to the Moldavian Metropolitan Church, the Episcopate of Roman, Rădăuţi and Huşi, the monasteries Adam Agapia Apostolache, Aron vodă, Barnovschi, Bârnova, Bărboi, Berzunţ, Bisericani, Bistriţa-Neamţ, Caşin, Căpriana, Cârlig, Cârlomâneşti, Cetăţuia-Iaşi, Cetăţuia de la Gura Covurluiului, Cirăbucul, Clatea, Copou, Dancu, Dealul Mare, Dieneţ, Doamnei-Botoşani, Dobrovăţ, Doljeşti, Dragomirna, Drăgeşti, Dumbrăviţa, Fâstâci, Frumoasa, Galata, Gârcina, Golia, Groşeşti, Gugeşti, Hangu, Hlincea, Humor, Măgura Ocnii, Mira, Moldoviţa, Neamţ, Pângăraţii, Pârveşti, Probota, Putna, Răchitoasa, Râşca, Runcu, Secu, Sfânta Vineri-Iaşi, Sfântul Gheorghe-Galaţi, Sfântul Ilie, Sfântul Ioan-Iaşi, Sfântul Ioan-Munteni, Sfântul Sava, Slatina, Socola, Solca, Soveja (Dobromira), Stavnic, Suceviţa, Tazlău, Todirenii, Topliţa, Trăstieni, Trei Ierarhi, Vicol, Vorona, Voroneţ and Zagavei, as well as the branches of the Monastery Zografu of Vaslui. The packages no 926-1005 contain documents of the ecclesiastic places in Wallachia, respectively documents of the Metropolitan Church, the Episcopate of Buzău and the monasteries Arnota, Arhimandritul (Sfinţilor Apostoli), Banul-Buzău, Băbeni-Râmnic, Bistriţa-Vâlcea, Căscioarele, Câmpulung, Cozia, Codreni, Cotmeana, Dârvari, Dealu, Deduleşti, Golgota, Govora, Glavacioc, Mărgineni-Prahova, Mihai Vodă, Motru, Radu Vodă, Răzvad, Râncăciovul, Sfântul Gheorghe-Bucureşti, Sfântul Ioan-Focşani, Snagov, Strehaia, Tismana Vieroşu and Zlătari. We also have the documents of Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem as well as those pertaining to the Monastery Hopovo from Serbia. Remarkable is that one of the registers contains copies of some documents from the period 1619-1859, issued in Wallachia and in Moldavia, regarding the structure of the conceded monasteries, the election of the clergy, taxes for the monasteries, the expel of the Greek clergy, the submission of some local monasteries to the Patriarchate of Alexandria, as well as the obligation of the noble children to learn in order to obtain positions.

  • Issue Year: I/2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 314-340
  • Page Count: 28
  • Language: Romanian
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