The Last Feast of Prince Rostislav: the Political Context of the Relations of Rus’ and Byzantium in Taman and Taurica in the 60s—70s of XI century Cover Image

Последний пир князя Ростислава: политический контекст отношений Руси и Византии на Тамани и в Таврике в 60-е — 70-е гг. XI в.
The Last Feast of Prince Rostislav: the Political Context of the Relations of Rus’ and Byzantium in Taman and Taurica in the 60s—70s of XI century

Author(s): Alexandr A. Romensky
Subject(s): Political history, 6th to 12th Centuries
Published by: Нижневартовский государственный университет
Keywords: Byzantium; Rus’ Tmutorokan’; Cherson; prince Rostislav Vladimirovich; catepanate; feast

Summary/Abstract: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of Rus’— Byzantine relations in Taman, and specific role of Tmutorokan’ as condominate possession of Byzantium and Rus’. The discussed details of the biography of Prince Rostislav Vladimirovich are revealed, as well as the question of the reasons for his poisoning by the katepano of Cherson and perception of this murder. The evidence about the hypothetical uprising of the Cherson residents in the 60s — 70s of XI c. and the campaign against Cherson of Princes Vladimir Monomakh and Gleb Svyatoslavich is analyzed. The data on the campaign against Korsun’ in 1077 seems unlikely.

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