Quantification in noun phrases Cover Image

Kvantifikacija u imenskim skupinama
Quantification in noun phrases

Author(s): Lada Badurina, Ivo Pranjković
Subject(s): Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Descriptive linguistics
Published by: Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera, Osijek
Keywords: quantification; noun phrases; grammatical quantification; quantificators; quantifiers; numerical and non-numerical quantification;

Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the ways in which quantification is expressed in noun phrases in the standard Croatian language. Among other things, we focus on the grammatical and semantic types of quantifiers and on the distinctions between quantifiers, quantificators and particularisers. In relation to this, we propose a possible typology of quantifiers and quantificators. The remainder of the paper focuses on numerical (e.g. te dvije zanimljive knjige, pet pari cipela) and non-numerical quantification (e.g. puno problema, mnogi turisti, neki događaji), on unit-based (e.g. jedini stvarni problem, dobar osjećaj) and non-unit-based quantification (e.g. novi problemi, naši mladenci, deset dana, žuto lišće), on affirmative (e.g. sve njezine knjige, sve tri njezine knjige) and negative general quantification (e.g. nijedna njezina knjiga, nijedna od triju njezinih knjiga), on conjunctive quantification (e.g. Ana i njezina kolegica došle su prerano, Posjetili smo Sofiju, Plovdiv i Istanbul), on quantification in noun phrases containing collective (e.g. svježe cvijeće, cijela obitelj) and mass nouns (e.g. tanjur graha, dvije vreće brašna) and on different types of pluralisation.

  • Issue Year: XVII/2016
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 89-100
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Croatian
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