Documents on Serbian – Bulgarian Educational Cooperation – Resolution Brought in Sofia in Sept. 1906 at the Meeting of Serbian and Bulgarian Teachers Cover Image

Документа о српско-бугарској просветној сарадњи - резолуција донесена у Софији септембра 1906. године на седници одбора српских и бугарских наставника
Documents on Serbian – Bulgarian Educational Cooperation – Resolution Brought in Sofia in Sept. 1906 at the Meeting of Serbian and Bulgarian Teachers

Author(s): Arsen Đurović
Subject(s): History
Published by: Istorijski institut, Beograd
Keywords: Serbia; Bulgaria; cooperation; resolution; association; education

Summary/Abstract: One of the modernity marks of educational system in Serbia at the beginning of the twentieth century is represented by the cooperation which was established with the Society of Bulgarian Grammar school teachers. The initiative for establishing closer cooperation started from the mentioned Bulgarian society because they had certain contacts with the Teachers' society in Belgrade, as far back as the end of the nineteenth century. In the beginning, those contacts came down to exchanging school regulations and methodical instructions, as well as the textbooks and other handbooks, and later to organizing excursions and mutual visits of the representatives of these teachers' societies. These contacts were realized through Ministry of Foreign Affairs, i.e. Serbian diplomatic mission in Sofia. Still, the first step in that direction was not made by Grammar school teachers, but by the teachers and students of the Female Teaching School in Belgrade, who organized the excursion from April 2 to April 4, 1906, within which they visited Sofia. Soon, there was a return visit of Bulgarian teachers to their colleagues in Belgrade. This friendly relationship ended with the visit of the members of the Teachers' Society to Sofia in the middle of September. In the end of the meeting session , on September 13, 1906, they adopted the resolution which anticipated developing cooperation at all levels of education (from primary and secondary schools to university) but also exchanging information about school legislation, teaching curriculum, textbooks and other materials, but above all getting together two“ brotherly nations". It was an attempt to make people forget, at least for a moment, all the misunderstandings between the states, but also the consequences of the war led in 1885. On the other hand, this getting together and cooperation at the level of educational institutions were supposed to strengthen diplomatic efforts these two countries were making in order to establish the relation of mutual respect and cooperation in dealing with the Eastern matter, i.e. creating the union for the war against the Ottoman Empire. In the following years this idea was accomplished in the alliance in the first Balkan war, but it was short-breathed because former allies found themselves on the opposite sides in the Second Balkan war which broke the cooperation between the countries which was started at all levels.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 31
  • Page Range: 387-398
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Serbian
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