The distribution of past tense verbal forms ending in -li/-ły in the Polish dialect of Wierszyna village (Irkutsk region, Russia) Cover Image

Dystrybucja form rodzajowych czasu przeszłego czasowników (na -li/-ły) w polskiej gwarze wsi Wierszyna (obwód irkucki, Rosja)
The distribution of past tense verbal forms ending in -li/-ły in the Polish dialect of Wierszyna village (Irkutsk region, Russia)

Author(s): Madina Aleksiejewa
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics
Published by: Towarzystwo Miłośników Języka Polskiego
Keywords: polish dialects; Wierszyna; past tense; masculine personal gender; masculine non-personal gender

Summary/Abstract: The article describes the distribution of gender depending past tense verbal plural forms (ending in -li/-ły) in the Polish dialect of Wierszyna village in Syberia, Russia. With the elimination of the distinction between masculine personal and non-personal nouns in the plural, gender depending verbal forms tend to change their distribution. The distribution of predicates ending in -li/-ły seems to depend on the syntactic sentence type. That tendency is proved by the statistics of verbal forms usage in the analyzed idiolects.

  • Issue Year: 2016
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 37-42
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Polish
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