Pradinį ugdymą studijuojančiųjų pedagoginė saviugda
Pedagogical self-education of students primary education
Author(s): Dalia Survutaitė, Alma ŽalytėSubject(s): Education
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas Švietimo akademija
Keywords: students; pedagogical competence; methods; pedagogical self-education.
Summary/Abstract: The main goal of the future teacher is to prepare thoroughly for his profession, and that is im-possible without holistic pedagogical self-education, which influences his further pedagogical com-petence. Pedagogical self-education of students is understood as the inner side of the future teacher‘s activity - his professional self-awareness - and it is manifested through devotion to his future work and through understanding the sense of pedagogical work. Such a need to educate pedagogically itself has to arise from the future teacher itself. Thus the pedagogical self-education of students is the process of self-creation of the student as the educator the aim of which is to develop pedagogi-cally and professionally. In the process of pedagogical self-education of students first of all the pro-fessional competences, necessary for the teacher, have to be considered. In Lithuania the self-education and its methods were described only by V. Spurga (1992). The self-education of schoolchildren was explored by L. Jovaiša (1989) and V. Spurga. Pedagogical self-education was explored by T. Bulajeva (2001), A. Zaukienė (2003), P. Jucevičienė (2000), K. Pukelis (2001), T. Tamošiūnas (1998) and others. A lot of attention is paid to teacher training, the scientists of the world, speaking about the competence of the teacher try to forecast the features necessary for the future pedagogical personality [2, p. 51-79; 10, p. 307-320]. The problem is that future primary teachers are not sufficiently acquainted with pedagogical self-education strategies and their practical application. The aim of the research is to explore peda-gogical self-education of students studying primary education. In this article there is an analysis of factors influencing self-education of future teachers, it is explored the demand for self-education of future primary school teachers and practical application of pedagogical self-education. After analyzing annotations and descriptions of study programs of Marijampole College , the Faculty of Educology and Social Work and of Vilnius Pedagogical University, the Faculty of Peda-gogics and Psychology it can be said that both institutions render qualifications of the teacher, but Vilnius Pedagogical University‘s program of studies, <...> encourages more independant studies of students“, <...>” and practicing of pedagogical self-education. Meanwhile the study program of primary education of Faculty of Educology and Social Work of Marijampole College lacks encour-agement of students‘initiative for independant education.
Journal: Pedagogika
- Issue Year: 2006
- Issue No: 84
- Page Range: 74-79
- Page Count: 6
- Language: Lithuanian