The sin, the ill, and their therapy. Sermon on the Fourth Sunday after Easter (of the Weak) John 5, 1-14 Cover Image

Pacatul, boala si vindecarea lor. Predica la Duminica a 4-a dupa Pasti (a Slabanogului) Ioan 5, 1-14
The sin, the ill, and their therapy. Sermon on the Fourth Sunday after Easter (of the Weak) John 5, 1-14

Author(s): Ionel Popescu
Subject(s): Biblical studies, Pastoral Theology, Eastern Orthodoxy
Published by: Mitropolia Banatului
Keywords: ill; faith; sacraments; sin, Easter;

Summary/Abstract: Exhortation for curing the paralyzed ill at the Vitezda bathing place shows us that the Church, by means of Its Holy Mysteries, makes available, to the physically and spiritually ill, the touchable means so that their disabilities shall cure through belief. The power of belief in re-achieving lost health is often underlined by the Son of God. By continuously seeing, before our very own spiritual eyes, the wonderful words of our Lord, Jesus Christ, “all is possible to the one who truly believes” (Mark 9, 23), we parentally advise all believers to reach into assiduous prayer for the peace, health and absolution of the soul so that we may truly rejoice, until the very end, complete health and spiritual peace, by fulfilling all that is good and pleasant to God during our existence.

  • Issue Year: XXVII/2016
  • Issue No: 04-06
  • Page Range: 116-121
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: Romanian
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