On the evolution of transforming and transmitting information in the groups of animals and human beings [Trans. D. Ulicka; J.Kordys, W. Grajewski] Cover Image

O ewulicji przekształcanie i przekazywania informacji we wspólnotach ludzkich i zwierzęcych [Przeł. D. Ulicka. Współpr. J.Kordys, W. Grajewski]
On the evolution of transforming and transmitting information in the groups of animals and human beings [Trans. D. Ulicka; J.Kordys, W. Grajewski]

Author(s): Vyacheslav Vsevolodovich Ivanov
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Communication; Language; Humans; Animals; Neurosemiotics;

Summary/Abstract: The article discusses several key questions related to the comparison of the communication systems of humans and animals (particularly apes and monkeys):1. The evolution of the signs for numbers and counting, especially the problem of the preservation of the two systems of the evaluation of number. The first one is not connected to discrete counting as it has a general character. The second one presupposes counting of separate distinct objects. The development of some Amazonian languages has been studied in which only the first system has beenpreserved while the second one has almost completely disappeared due to the lossof numerals that served as a base for it. 2. The relation between speech, singingand music and a possibility of the original importance of the communication by singing; the rhythmic activity of some apes has been discussed. 3. Genetic importance of the gene FOXP2 and the evolution of language. 4. The quantum information aspects of the human intelligence and communication.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 1-2
  • Page Range: 134-150
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Polish
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