Under the sign of revenge – The story of engine stoker  Cover Image

Ve znamení pomsty. Příběh strojního topiče Josefa Prouzy
Under the sign of revenge – The story of engine stoker

Author(s): Petr Mallota
Subject(s): History
Published by: Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů

Summary/Abstract: A totalitarian regime has a special ability to shuffle the cards of fate of its involuntarily subordinates in an inscrutable manner. Without doubt that characteristic applies completely to the 1950s in Communist Czechoslovakia. Trifles that would under normal circumstances have been more likely to provoke smiles could – under the magnifying glass of suspicion, despotism and repression – set in train an avalanche of events. And they frequently ended in the worst possible manner. One example of a banal incident ending in tragedy and needless death is the story of Josef Prouza, a policeman who took offence.

  • Issue Year: VI/2012
  • Issue No: 03
  • Page Range: 99-115
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Czech
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