Transparency and Publicity of Public Administration in Slovakia in the View of the Prepared Draft Law Amending and Supplementing Freedom of Information Act Cover Image

Transparentnosť a publicita verejnej správy na slovensku v optike pripravovaného návrhu zákona, ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon o slobode informácií
Transparency and Publicity of Public Administration in Slovakia in the View of the Prepared Draft Law Amending and Supplementing Freedom of Information Act

Author(s): Michal Maslen
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Keywords: personal scope of the right to information; access information; public authorities; restrictions on the right to information; liable entity; information;

Summary/Abstract: The paper analyzes the degree of transposition of the requirements of the principle of transparency into the Slovak legislation on the Act amending and supplementing the Act no. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information and amending certain acts (Freedom of Information Act), as amended, and amending and supplementing certain laws.

  • Issue Year: 11/2016
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 127-139
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Slovak
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