The vision of the „fourth way” - can social networking sites and intellectual capital accounting revolutionize the economy? Cover Image

Wizja „czwartej drogi” - czy serwisy społecznościowe i rachunkowość kapitału intelektualnego zrewolucjonizują gospodarkę?
The vision of the „fourth way” - can social networking sites and intellectual capital accounting revolutionize the economy?

Author(s): Lesław Niemczyk
Subject(s): Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie, Fundacja Promocji i Akredytacji Kierunków Ekonomicznych
Keywords: social networking; intellectual capital; accounting; knowledge-based economy

Summary/Abstract: The current economic development was governed in three distinctive ways, such as capitalism, socialism and so-called „third way”. It is very likely that each of these ways has exhausted its possibilities of solving main socio-economic problems. Therefore it is worth considering other options for building their future scenarios, which would be subject to public discussion. The aim of this article is an attempt to outline the vision of the „fourth way”, which would be a mature knowledge-based economy. This path is set by the opportunity to engage the social networking sites and the tools of intellectual capital accounting in the framework of the common economic macrosystem. In terms of methodology, it is a conceptual work that uses elements of strategic planning - the stakeholders analysis, the relationship analysis, the scenarios method. The main result of the research is to define the vision of a new economic macrosystem, whose foundations will be created by social networking sites, which use elements of intellectual capital accounting. Management of intellectual capital in such a system will be based on the simple tools of measurement, planning and control. The article confirms the assumption that in the future the role of intellectual capital in a knowledge-based economy should still grow. The most important conclusion is bold hypothesis: social networking sites enhanced to support the registration of intellectual capital can combine the main stakeholders of knowledge-based economy into an effectively functioning macrosystem, which would not be a simple continuation of capitalism, socialism, or „third way”.

  • Issue Year: 63/2016
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 49-53
  • Page Count: 5
  • Language: Polish
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