САЩ и раждането на българската опозиция след Втората световна война – „Случаят“ Мейнард Барнс и Никола Петков
USA and the Birth of Bulgarian Opposition after World War II – Maynard Barnes and Nikola Petkov “Case”
Author(s): Evgenia KalinovaSubject(s): Diplomatic history, Political history, Social history, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Communism, Cold-War History, Conference Report
Published by: Институт за исторически изследвания - Българска академия на науките
Keywords: Bulgaria; USA; political opposition; Nikola Petkov;
Summary/Abstract: After 1989, the name of Nikola Petkov became a symbol of resistance against the authority of the Communist Party. The article is an attempt at an unbiased look at the evolution of his political behavior which occurred in 1944–1945. N. Petkov was a supporter of the Fatherland Front and minister in the government that came to power with the coup on September 9, 1944,but then he became the leader of the strongest opposition party, confronting his yesterday’sallies – the communists. The study traces the facts about this choice of N. Petkov both his personal position and in terms of US policy to Bulgaria at the end of World War II.
Journal: Исторически преглед
- Issue Year: 2013
- Issue No: 5-6
- Page Range: 90-101
- Page Count: 12
- Language: Bulgarian