Total de(con)struction. Derrida’s nuclear apocalypse Cover Image

Ostateczna de(kon)strukcja. Nuklearna apokalipsa Derridy
Total de(con)struction. Derrida’s nuclear apocalypse

Author(s): Iwona Boruszkowska, Michał Koza
Subject(s): Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Czasu Kultury
Keywords: Jacques Derrida;deconstruction;poststructuralism

Summary/Abstract: The essay analyses one of two articles by Jacques Derrida dealing with nuclear apocalypse: "No Apocalypse, Not Now (Full Speed Ahead, Missiles Seven, Seven missives)". From out of the catastrophic sentiments of the modern day, he built an apocalyptic discourse and a nuclear criticism. In order to describe these phenomena, he drew upon the historiosophy of Giambattista Vico, the philosophy of Gianni Vattimo, and the ideas of Susan Sontag and J. D. Caputo. At the time Derrida was working on this critical nuclear project, it certainly offered more promising prospects than it does today, when many alternative or overlapping “final” visions of the world are competing for dominance. It therefore seems that we should rather speak of an apocalyptic criticism.

  • Issue Year: XXX/2014
  • Issue No: 05
  • Page Range: 92-103
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Polish
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