Information behaviour of Poles in area of healthy eating. Results of EATWELL survey Cover Image

Zachowania informacyjne Polaków dotyczące zdrowego odżywiania się. Wyniki badania EATWELL
Information behaviour of Poles in area of healthy eating. Results of EATWELL survey

Author(s): Mario Mazzocchi, Laura Gennaro, Barbara Niedźwiedzka, W. Bruce Traill, Beata Piórecka, Wim Verbeke, Lucia Modugno, Agnieszka Kozioł-Kozakowska, Jessica Aschemann-Witzel
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: healthy eating; health information behavior; health information literacy; health information seeking; health literacy

Summary/Abstract: The rate of obesity in Poland increases rapidly, especially fast among children and adolescents. An important and also fully accepted by the society ways of fighting this phenomenon are social marketing and educational interventions. To make these activities effective they have to keep pace with changes in information behavior of target groups. But the importance of raising information competency of consumers is not fully understood by those who design and implement health programs and health Information behavior and literacy rarely are the subject of research. The goal of this study is to find where and how Polish citizens look for diet related information, what barriers they encounter, and whether they behave differently in comparison with citizens of other European countries. Method: A survey administered through computer-assisted on-line web-interviewing to a probabilistic, stratified by age and gender, sample of respondents in Poland (n = 600). Comparison sample – same number of respondents in Belgium, Denmark, Italy and UK. Results: 49% of surveyed Poles do not know where to look for healthy diet related information and have bigger problems with this task then the respondents in other surveyed countries. In comparison with Danish, a probability that a Pole knows where to look for such information decreases twice. Individual and environmental determinants strongly affect information knowledge and behavior. Men, educated, poorer and sicker persons have bigger problems with finding information and are less likely to attempt to look for it. Majority of respondents uses Internet and Google to look for healthy diet information. Only 23% of Polish respondents would turn to their GPs for healthy eating advice.

  • Issue Year: 10/2012
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 57–64
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Polish
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