Indicator erratics analyses in glacial tills and their significance for the reconstruction  of ice-sheet dynamics of the area between Piotrków Trybunalski, Radomsko and Przedbórz Cover Image

Analiza zespołów eratyków w glinach lodowcowych i ich znaczenie w rekonstrukcji zasięgu lądolodu warciańskiego w obszarze między Piotrkowem Trybunalskim, Radomskiem a Przedborzem
Indicator erratics analyses in glacial tills and their significance for the reconstruction of ice-sheet dynamics of the area between Piotrków Trybunalski, Radomsko and Przedbórz

Author(s): Piotr Czubla
Subject(s): Geography, Regional studies, Physical Geopgraphy, Regional Geography, Historical Geography
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: indicator erratics; petrographic analyses; glacial deposits; Quaternary stratigraphy; Wartanian ice-sheet; Łódź Region; Central Poland; eratyki przewodnie; badania petrograficzne; gliny lodowcowe

Summary/Abstract: Petrographic studies of indicator erratics in glacial sediments revealed the existence of at least two lithotypes of glacial tills (marked S and O/W), differing in source area of moraine material. The older one (S), represented by glacial till in Mąkolice, was deposited by the last advance of South Polish Glaciation in the area. The younger lithotype (O/W) includes glacial sediments of Middle Polish Complex. Among them, two varieties (sublitothypes), probably deposited by separate ice masses (but not ice streams), can be distinguished. These sublitotyphes are clearly recognizable only in the southern part of the area under research. Their relative spatial distribution and petrographic features confirm the validity of the conclusions based on the analysis of the relief, which suggests that the ice-sheet during the Middle Polish Glaciation (Odranian/Wartanian) entered the Piotrków region from two directions.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 103
  • Page Range: 25-43
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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