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Books on the Table

Author(s): Cristina Timar, Marian Zăloagă, Anda Saltelechi, Imola Antal, Cornel Teulea, Veronica Buţă, Lucia Dărămuş, Iulian Boldea, Nicolae Havriliuc, A. Mircea Diaconu
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Vatra Literară

Summary/Abstract: Mircea A.Diaconu:"Adrian Alui Gheorghe si voluptatea angoasei","Adrian Alui Gheorghe and the Voluptuousness of Anxiety"; Marian Zaloaga: “La final sau început de drum? Analele Siget- 10”, “At the End or at the Beginning of the Road ? the Anuals of Siget-10”;Cornel Teulea “O poezie a tragicului” .”A Poetry of the Tragic”;Imola Antal “ Un necrolog nitel trunchiat” , “A Litte Bit Laconic Death Notice”;Nicolae Havriliuc:”Blaga in sinteza” Synthesis of Blaga’s Works”;Lucia Damarus: “ O catre un act de cultura”,”A Book- an Act of Culture”;Iulian Boldea : “Simbolistica drumului in cultura romaneasca”, “The Symbol oh the Road in Romanian Culture”Cristina Timar:“Medalioane exemplare”,”Outstandnig Biographies”; Anda Saltelechi:”Homo homini lupus sau despre cautare”,”Homo Homini Lupus or Relative to Quest”;Veronica Buta:” Cum se aduna banii.., in comunism ?!”,”How to Make Money…in the Communist Society ?!”

  • Issue Year: 2004
  • Issue No: 01+02
  • Page Range: 124-135
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Romanian
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