Проблемите на младежката безработица — между държавната стратегия и индивидуалната инициатива
The Problem of Youth Unemployment — between State Strategies and Individual Initiative
Author(s): Antoniy Galabov, Valentina Zlatanova, Rumyana StoilovaSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Институт за изследване на населението и човека - Българска академия на науките
Summary/Abstract: The analysis offered in this paper is based on the results of an empirical case study "State and Problems of Youth Employment" carried out by the Institute of Sociology in November 1992. The attention of the authors is focused on the effectivity of the efforts of the state institutions for the solution of the problems of youth unemployment. The research outlines the various types of strategies for finding an outcome from the difficult situation including differentiation by sex, marrital status, residence and education. The general conclusion is that the lack of maturity, experience and knowledge on the part of the young people for coping with unemployment additionally aggravates and slows down the process of socialization, corresponds to their low social expectations and is the result of the uneffectivitv of the system of state institutions and also of the limited on the regional level activity of young people to oppose to that a life strategy of their own.
Journal: Население
- Issue Year: 1993
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 48-58
- Page Count: 11
- Language: Bulgarian