Debates around the Historiographical Myths in Transylvania: the Penetration of the Romanians to the Transylvania’s Administrative Structures by the Gr Cover Image

Debates around the Historiographical Myths in Transylvania: the Penetration of the Romanians to the Transylvania’s Administrative Structures by the Gr
Debates around the Historiographical Myths in Transylvania: the Penetration of the Romanians to the Transylvania’s Administrative Structures by the Gr

Author(s): Remus Câmpeanu
Subject(s): History
Published by: Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai

Summary/Abstract: As it’s well known, each historiography has its myths. Usually, they are used to mobilize the consciences and to induce a certain public behavior in difficult historical moments passed through by great human communities. Not accidentally, most of the myths are connected to the origin of the nations. Growing up in a geographical relatively limited space, European peoples couldn’t avoid confluence areas and political, social, economical and cultural interferences, which made impossible firm ethnical delimitations. The competition, often violent, for territory and influence must be argued by a historical discourse which legitimate expansions, dominations over the other peoples or, eventually, the resistances against external interferences. Generally, great nations, with beginnings based upon territorial expansion, made sooner, even from the Middle Age, a gallery of myths focused on monarchical power or on economical, cultural and religious superiority, which could define the conquest projects as civilizing initiatives. Small peoples, in most of the cases divised between great empires or even incorporated to them, began to build their historiographical myths in the conditions of impulse generated by Enlightenment, crossing relatively fast the way from coagulation of national culture to political projects and claims. Dezbateri în jurul miturilor istoriografice româneşti din Transilvania: Pătrunderea românilor ardeleni în administraţia provinciei, pe calea greco-catolicismului, pe parcursul veacului al XVIII-lea. O perioadă extrem de îndelungată, istoriografia română i-a definit pe românii din Transilvania drept victime ale istoriei, un popor situat în afara sistemului socio-politic al principatului, supus în totalitatea sa servituţii feudale. Această imagine a fost obsesiv cultivată atât de către scrisul istoric romantic şi mai apoi pozitivist, caracteristic secolului al XIX-lea şi primei jumătăţi a secolului XX, cât şi de către istoriografia marxist-comunistă, cu puternice accente naţionaliste în ultima sa fază, din anii 1947-1990.

  • Issue Year: 52/2007
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 109-123
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: English
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