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požiūris į tautines vertybes
The Attitude of Future Primary School Teachers towards
National Values
Author(s): Jolanta AbramauskienėSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas Švietimo akademija
Keywords: nationality; values; national education; student’s attitude; folk music
Summary/Abstract: In the context of world globalization nowadays, issues of nationality arise again. They becomerelevant in the condition of country integration and mixing of nations. The current problem isimportant enough to be researched, as Lithuania is becoming a more cosmopolitan state, theneed for usage of foreign languages increases and nations internationalize.The aim of the research is to explore future primary school teacher’s attitudes towards nationalvalues. There were 93 students questioned in the 2012 at Lithuanian University of EducationalSciences.The analysis of the research results show that students have all the national values: they areproud of their nationality, religion, traditions, proud of their beautiful language, their honourableLithuanian state, beautiful nature and architectural buildings. Majority of the students said thatit’s very important residential place, because of its beautiful nature, their relationship with thepeople living here, because it’s theirs birthplace, because of architectural monuments and theirparents’ real estate. However, more than half of the students doubt it they will be able to findgood job based on their education, more than a third said it’s difficult to live here. Worryingfactor could be focusing on the personal, material issues, not facing essential issues. Nowadaysyoung people are more focused on personal values rather than societal values.The research displays that the majority of the students knows Lithuanian anthem, believes thatit is very important to respect Lithuanian flag, to celebrate religious holidays and ethnic festivals,but only every five students expressed positive attitudes toward of folk songs, representing nationalvalues as a phenomenon. Some respondents indicated not very profound meaning of nationalvalues: they know only few folk songs, can’t tell the ethno music importance nowadays education
Journal: Pedagogika
- Issue Year: 119/2015
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 147-159
- Page Count: 13
- Language: Lithuanian