Preachers’ “duel” of Józef Wereszczyński with Jakub Wujek (based on marginalia) Cover Image

Kaznodziejski „pojedynek” Józefa Wereszczyńskiego z Jakubem Wujkiem (na przykładzie marginaliów)
Preachers’ “duel” of Józef Wereszczyński with Jakub Wujek (based on marginalia)

Author(s): Anna Sitkowa
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: baroque homiletics; intertextuality; Józef Wereszczyński; Jakub Wujek

Summary/Abstract: The article presents the way in which Józef Wereszczyński (born after 1531, died 1598), a Benedictine abbot from Sieciechów, used, in his work “Gościniec pewny niepomiernym moczygębom a omierzłym wydmifuklom świata tego do prawdziwego obaczenia a zbytków swych pohamowania z Pisma świętego i z rozmaitych autorów zebrany i wydany” (1585), one of the sermons of a Jesuit Jakub Wujek (1541–1597), which the latter included in “Postylla katoliczna” “the greater” (1573–1575; 1584). The focus was on the marginalia – those summarizing the matter and footnotes. It was pointed out that Wereszczyński, besides adopting fragments of a sermon “Na tenże dzień Jana świętego kazanie drugie przeciw opilstwu a obżartswu świata dzisiejszego”, subjected the marginalia to amplification, substitution and abbreviation practices. Although himself not free from negligence, he also corrected the biblical addresses wrongly identified in Wujek’s “Postylla”.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 1 (6)
  • Page Range: 7-21
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Polish
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