Еротиката в чешките народни приказки и анекдоти
Eroticism in Czech Folk Tales and Anecdotes
Author(s): Jaroslav OtčenášekSubject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Philology
Published by: Институт за етнология и фолклористика с Етнографски музей при БАН
Keywords: eroticism; sexuality; vulgarism; Czech folklore; tale; anecdote
Summary/Abstract: The article focuses on the evaluation of erotic and expressive elements in Czech fairy tales and anecdotes. For historical reasons (late recording, self-censorship of the collectors, etc.) relatively few texts of this type have been preserved. Erotic motifs are present especially in jokes and humorous and novelistic tales, anecdotes and in a number of fairy tales. Eroticism is most often included in stories about infidelity, about courtship, in connection with the stupidity of the main character or villain. Based on the comments of some collectors as well as using comparative folklore studies, we are able to reconstruct the original form of some fairy tales with erotic elements. However, the possibilities of such a reconstructive method in research into verbal folklore are limited. A new dimension has been added to these methods by visual anthropology. The film trilogy by Pier Paolo Pasolini based on original folk tales can be regarded as an interesting way of artistic reconstruction of erotic folklore.
Journal: Български фолклор
- Issue Year: XLI/2015
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 448-466
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Bulgarian