Rock Wool of Dispute. Coexistence with the Rockwool Factory in Pićanština Cover Image

Kamena vuna prijepora. Suživot s tvornicom Rockwool na Pićanštini
Rock Wool of Dispute. Coexistence with the Rockwool Factory in Pićanština

Author(s): Andrea Matošević, Elis Baćac
Subject(s): Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
Published by: Hrvatsko etnološko društvo
Keywords: Rockwool; Pićanština; protest; health

Summary/Abstract: Rock wool factory Rockwool Adriatic, whose construction nearby the town of Pićan (Istria) started in 2006, caused large disputes in local community. Although this business manoeuvre promised higher employment and economic regeneration of the area, one part of local community claimed health problems caused by the plant's exhaust gasses. Health thus became the most prominent argument in their devotion and struggle to shut down this plant. However, Rockwool is present "in the neighbourhood" through a series of donations and scholarships that caused the feeling of dissatisfaction among those who do not approve plant's stay in the area. For privileging short term and "tempting" solutions, the price of the whole community in the area will be highly overpaid in health, they claim. It is exactly this problem that drags the Pićanština, a former mining area, into the very heart of industrial way of life that part of the community wishes to take distance from.

  • Issue Year: 45/2015
  • Issue No: 38
  • Page Range: 139-149
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Croatian
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