The Use of Celtic and Roman Coinsin the Territory of Poland at the Turnof the Era – in Tandem or Separately? New Finds, New Evidence Cover Image

The Use of Celtic and Roman Coinsin the Territory of Poland at the Turnof the Era – in Tandem or Separately? New Finds, New Evidence
The Use of Celtic and Roman Coinsin the Territory of Poland at the Turnof the Era – in Tandem or Separately? New Finds, New Evidence

Author(s): Arkadiusz Dymowski
Subject(s): History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Social history, Ancient World
Published by: KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA Sp. z o.o.
Keywords: Celtic coins; denarius; Roman Republican denarii; Poland;Carpathians;Dacians;

Summary/Abstract: Recent years have brought plenty of reports about new discoveries made in central and southern Poland concerning locally issued Celtic coins in gold and Roman Republican silver coins. In some cases they have been found at the same sites. Therefore, the question is to what extent can we examine jointly the use of Celtic coinage and Roman silver coinage in the territories inhabited by the people of the Przeworsk culture and the Tyniec group during the final years of the1st century BC and the early years of the 1st century AD. For the time being, very little is known on the subject. The only thing that can be said with a probability bordering on certainty is that in some parts of this region both types of coins were used during the same period. Additionally, the reservation that the phenomenon of the use of Celtic coins may have ended sooner and may have been more limited in terms of territory must be taken into account. Local coinage activity and import of Roman silver should be connected with some kind of Celtic activity. It is also not impossible that the influx of Republican denarii to the region to the north of the Carpathians and the Sudetes had more complex reasons. The more so because the local late Celtic coinage activity has been examined only within the Boii context,and that other elements may come into play in the territory lying to the north of the mountain ranges, like the activity of other Celtic tribes and of the Dacians. At present, there is little else to do but wait for new coin finds that could shed more light on the subject.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 10
  • Page Range: 85-102
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: English
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