The scriptural gesture at Henry Bauchau: between the material of interiority and materiality of words Cover Image

Le geste scriptural chez Henry Bauchau: entre la matière de l’intériorité et la matérialité des mots
The scriptural gesture at Henry Bauchau: between the material of interiority and materiality of words

Author(s): Corina Bozedean
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Editura Universităţii Petru Maior
Keywords: writing; mineral; matter; depth; surface

Summary/Abstract: Henry Bauchau’s literary experience is ontological before being an esthetic one. Conceived as an endeavor to reveal the psychological depths, the creation act represents for the Belgian writer a way of reaching the original matter where the substance of the being and of the world amalgamate. The scriptural gesture starts by drilling the sedimentary strata of the memory that incorporates images and rhythms originating from an individual and collective past. Pushed to the surface they require purification and selection before being transposed into the text area. The problem that emerges is that of the relation between the interior matter that imposes by its own energy both the form and the meaning, and the materiality of the words that also impose their own resistance. If, on one hand, the overflowing projection of interiority risks to disturb the logical relation between signifier and signified, the occultation of the pathos that generated the verbal matter equally risks to alter the works’ authenticity. The fair balance between the liberty of the verbal eruption and its embracing in stable forms is what Henry Bauchau envisages in his writings.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 10
  • Page Range: 159-165
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: French
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