

Contributor(s): Ali Tilbe (Editor), Sonel Bosnalı (Editor), Fatma Er (Editor)
Subject(s): Editorial
Published by: Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi

Summary/Abstract: We are honoured to inform that we have received the DOI number for the articles that have been published in our Journal since 2014 (3rd number), which enables them to reach a wide scope of national and international readership. We are also working on the arrangements for our journal to be available in new indexes. The present issue of our Journal is a special issue consisting of the works of Prof. Dr. Sevim Akten’s students, colleagues, and her academic associates. Apart from the brief information about the Professor and her academic career, this number includes eighteen articles written on various topics from within the critical and theoretical context of different scientific approaches and methods. We present our gratitude to authors, reviewers, and the editorial board for their contribution to the publication of this issue. The brief information about the articles is presented below:İrfan Atalay, Holy Wars in the 16th and 17th Centuries French Literature, Les Tragiques by Agrippa d’Aubigné as an Example: Agrippa d’Aubigné mentioned poverty, misery, cruel attitudes of kings, judgements in gilded bureaus and palaces, corruption in society, terrible picture created by the war, the sides who were seeking for revenge in the second half of the 16th Century France and he completed his work by emphasizing substantial justice was going to be secured by God on the day of judgement. In this article, the author studied, firstly generally holy wars in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, and then the world view and style of Agrippa d'Aubigné.Mehmet Baki, the Narrative Plot of Julia Kristeva’s Murder in Byzantium: The study analyses Kristeva’s polymorphic, hybrid and polyphonic novel, Murder in Byzantium, in which the historical, metaphysical detective and the mixed narrative techniques are used. The author analyses the main themes, point of views, narrative voice, narration types, significant novel characters, time and space relationships by applying both structuralist and post- structuralist criticism. Sonel Bosnalı and Fatma Er, A Sociolinguistic Analysis of “Youth Language” Considering the Words Used in Les Gens du Balto: This study exposes the hypothesis that the “youth language” is not a consistent and identical variant independent from other social variances. In Faïza Guène’s Les gens du Balto, the conversations between two young men which reflect the common sociocultural and socioeconomic characteristics, constitute the main structure of this paper. The types and frequency of the words they use and their linguistic attitudes’ relation to the sociological characteristics has been examined.Kamil Civelek, A Comparative Analysis in Terms of Paratextualty: French and Turkish Publications of The Novel, “Je l’aimais/Someone I Loved” by Anna Gavalda: The aim of this study is to analyze the features of paratextuality of Anna Gavalda’s novel by the author and/or the publisher, “je l’aimais/ Someone I Loved,” both in French and Turkish book versions comparatively. Murat Demirkan, Ferda Dikmen, Sevinç Akdoğan Öztürk, Emine Çavdar Ataman: Symbolism and The Concept of Irony In Camus’ La Chute: The mirror provides the creation of a real narrative by gradually becoming the centre of a network of images and themes. Thus, this multiple meaning theme obtains many aesthetic, narratives, psychoanalytical and philosophical values at the same time. In this study, all of these questions are tried to be answered and thanks to this, Camus’s underestimated ironic language is also highlighted.Ayten Er, An Improvised Example in Traditional Turkish Theatre: Ortaoyunu: The study focuses on a dramatic text which is established completely in the 19th century as an “open” and “exhibitive” type of comedy. The aim of the author in this paper is to introduce ortaoyunu with its structural, thematic, and semantic elements.Hanife Nâlân Genç, A Summer Relationship Novel: The Little Horses of Tarquina: The Little Horses of Tarquina by Marguerite Duras is the expression of inquiry of the emotional ties of two couples, one of which has two children and the other one is childless. They spend their holidays near seaside in Italy where the heat is felt very strongly. That is especially the existence of couple in the novel which makes these emotional ties questioned.Emine Güzel, The Reminding of the Forgotten Past with a Game of Writing in Sylvie Germain’s Magnus: This study intends to analyse the role of fiction and narration in reminding of the important historical incidents by including references of multiple areas which enrich Germain’s adventure of writing.Tanju İnal, A Goddess on Stage – Leyla Gencer, A Fluttering Heart: This paper explores the real story of passion, achievement, and ambition. With her rich repertory of opera and aria, Leyla Gencer reminds of Turkish woman’s strength once again by crying out “I am Anatolia, I am Turk!”Tuğrul İnal, A Dramatic Reading of Baudelaire (Xii): Tuğrul İNAL studies the works ‘Paris Spleen’ and ‘Flowers of Evil’ by Baudelaire and he analyzes the fundamental principles of the author’s philosophy using the Empathy Method that Prof. Inal he himself devised. İnal had his first paper on the empathy method published in the 18th edition of Frankofoni. The second of these papers is being published now in Humanitas in French language.Ertuğrul İşler, On Literary Myths – I: In this study, along with mentioning of the perspectives of some philosophers and theorists, the problem is handled in a broader frame. Thus, this study is entitled as “On Literary Myths I” since it is decided that it will be more useful to examine the perspectives of the philosopher and theorists who deal with the analysis of myths and literary myths in depth. Yavuz Kızılçim, Negation Markers and the Speeches of Denial in Duras: In this article, the aim of the author is to specify the representative values of the negation markers in the Material Life and the Lover of Duras. The author analyses one of his densest features. The subject of the research is evident: parental rejection. Its negation is a form of affirmation, a figure of speech which contains an understatement of emphasis by denial.Mehmet Sayın, A Sample of Autobiographical, Biographical and Sociological Novel: My Father. In this article it is aimed to make a literary analysis in the light of Structuralist Criticism theories together with the basic theories of Alfred Adler who is the founder of the Individual Psychology and the sociologists Martin Slattery and Pierre Bourdieu. Medine Sivri, The Depth of Paul Eluard’s Poetry: Eternal Belief in Human and Life: In this study, the author aims to analyse the depth of French surrealist poet Paul Eluard’s poetry experience, and in frame of thematic method the author tries to reveal that that Eluard’s poetry is based on a deep philosophy contrary to its plain discourse and that it has a unique path rooted in both the historical conditions of the era and the poet’s private life.Esma Sönmez Öz, The Concept of Gender in Annie Ernaux’s Novels: The aim of this study is to analyse the figure of woman and the roles of woman in Annie Ernaux’s works through autobiographical data and Philippe Lejeune’s The Autobiographical Contract. The study examines the concept of gender that shows differentiation more specifically in social structure and whose manipulations are much more effective in women’s life as it is reflected in Ernuax’s novelsAli Tilbe and Pınar Sezgintürk, A Minimalist Novel as the Reflection of the Postmodern Universe: Jean Echenoz’s I’m Gone: In this paper, the purpose is to read Jean Echenoz’s I’m Gone, which brings him the Goncourt prize, by using a minimalist and postmodernist critical approach. The authors have tried to figure out the relationship and interaction between postmodern period and its literary extension by questioning Jean Echenoz’s perception of the new social structure of the postmodern period and its dominant idea.Ayşe Tomat, Triangular Desire Indicators İn Françoise Sagan's Novel, Bonjour Tristesse: Human beings in general do not content with what they have; they head towards what is impossible rather than running after the objects that they can acquire. In this article, the indicators of triangular desire theory, which asserts that the object has a face value and which emphasizes the priority of the other in the occurrence of desire, will be discussed in Françoise Sagan's aforementioned work of art.Haluk Turğut, The Mimetic Aspects of Human Desire in Peyami Safa’s Ninth External Ward: In this study, the author aims to examine Ninth External Ward, which is one of the significant works of Turkish literature with reference to Girard’s mimetic theory. In this context, the author attempts to identify the ways in which the axis of romantic - novelistic contrast of the novel takes place by exploring how and to what extent the phenomena in the theory of Girard reflect on the novel in question.Tekirdağ – 2015

  • Issue Year: 3/2015
  • Issue No: 06
  • Page Range: 13-16
  • Page Count: 4
  • Language: English
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