Dealing with the “Communist” Past in the Light of the Conclusions of Histo-rical Materialism.  Cover Image

Vyrovnávanie sa s „komunistickou“ minulosťou v zrkadle záverov historického materializmu
Dealing with the “Communist” Past in the Light of the Conclusions of Histo-rical Materialism.

Author(s): Peter Dinuš
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Katedra politológie - Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave
Keywords: dealing with the past; communism; socialism; political system; bourgeoisie; capitalism; class

Summary/Abstract: The paper focuses on the interpretation of the process of dealing with the “communist” past from a Marxist perspective. This process is closely tied with the change of the political system in 1989, and as such cannot be under-stood outside the context of the post-November societal arrangement. According to the theory of historical materialism, it is based on a class antagonism between the ruling minority of private owners of the means of production (bourgeoisie) and the controlled wage labouring majority, who own nothing but their labour (the proletariat). The class antagonism is manifested both in the economic base and in the superstructure areas. In this regard, the ideas of the ruling class in a capitalist society are the dominant ones. Among others, they include anti-communism presented within the setting of the current process of dealing with “communism”. This process is characterized by ideologisation, bias and schematism arising from the totalitarian-historical concept of pre-November Czechoslovak history, which has become part of Slovak and Czech legislation. Anti-communism is a delusive element of the ideological superstructure of the ruling minority of private owners of the means of production; it does not reflect the objective truth about the world but rather the social interest of the bourgeoisie – preservation of its property and power

  • Issue Year: 2013
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 289-304
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: Slovak
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