Empirical test of expectations formation hypotheses: a study beyond individual rationality Cover Image

Емпирична оценка на основни хипотези за формиране на икономическите очаквания: изследване отвъд индивидуалната рационалност
Empirical test of expectations formation hypotheses: a study beyond individual rationality

Author(s): Anton Gerunov
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Институт за икономически изследвания при Българска академия на науките
Keywords: JEL: D84; E31

Summary/Abstract: We use survey data on inflation expectations in the EU-27 spanning the period 01.1998-05.2013 to test major expectations formation hypotheses against empirically observed behavior. Econometric modeling reveals that adaptive and rational expectations approaches fail to describe this process completely, whereas the evolutionary heterogeneous expectations approach seems better able to capture observed dynamics. Those results underline the importance of incorporating more behaviorally realistic models of expectations formation for the purposes of economic modeling.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 130-152
  • Page Count: 23
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