New price relations in international trade and the role of China in the world economy  Cover Image

Nowe relacje cen w handlu międzynarodowym a rola Chin w gospodarce światowej
New price relations in international trade and the role of China in the world economy

Author(s): Jerzy Dudziński
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu
Keywords: world prices; world economy; terms of trade; China; deindustrialization

Summary/Abstract: China, owing to its significant and still increasing role in the world economy, has a relatively strong impact on price relations and tendencies in contemporary international trade. This influence concerns both the supply of manufactured goods (a relative slowdown in price dynamics) and the demand for commodities (absolute and relative price rises). One of direct effects of these phenomena is a process known in the literature as deindustrialisation of developing countries related to China’s development (which is reflected, for instance, in the rising share of commodities – at the expense of manufactured goods – in total exports of developing countries). This phenomenon is particularly noticeable in exports of the so-called newly industrialised economies in Asia but it can also be observed in South American and African economies. Moreover, the deteriorating relationship between the prices of manufactured goods exported by developing countries and the prices of manufactured goods exported by developed countries (the so-called manufacture to manufacture terms of trade) – a process observed since the 1950s – has further deteriorated.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 369 vol 1
  • Page Range: 188-197
  • Page Count: 10
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