The grotesque from a pragmo-cognitive perspective (on the works of V. Gombrovich) Cover Image

Гротеската в когнитивно-прагматичен ракурс. Философско-естетически и лингво-прагматични ресурси на гротеската (върху материал от творчеството на В....
The grotesque from a pragmo-cognitive perspective (on the works of V. Gombrovich)

Author(s): Dimitrina Hamze
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Софийски университет »Св. Климент Охридски«

Summary/Abstract: The paper examines the grotesque as one of the representative subcategories of the comic having outmost plastic expressiveness and playing a form-destructive and transcendent function. The oxymoron is seen as a grotesque algorithm that cancels the conservative idea of absurdity as something unacceptable or impossible and highlights its harmonizing role. The implicature of the grotesque is analyzed from a pragmatic point of view, while the comeme is shown as a wide range of speech acts, dominated by the expressive provocative. Within the scope of the grotesque, the addressee is elevated to the role of a co-author.

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