The Problem of Time Awareness in Maria Kuncewiczowa’s “Dyliżans Warszawski” (“Warsaw Stage Coach”) Cover Image

Zagadnienie świadomości czasu w „Dyliżansie warszawskim” Marii Kuncewiczowej
The Problem of Time Awareness in Maria Kuncewiczowa’s “Dyliżans Warszawski” (“Warsaw Stage Coach”)

Author(s): Agnieszka Kruszyńska
Subject(s): Literary Texts
Published by: Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Maria Kuncewiczowa; Kuncewiczowa’s “Dyliżans Warszawski [Warsaw Stage Coach]”; relation of private memory to common memory; perfection of the function of things in retaining the past; time avareness; Kuncewiczowa's "Klucze [Keys]"; "Fantomy [Phantoms]"

Summary/Abstract: The article is devoted to time awareness which characterises city observations and its inhabitants in Maria Kuncewiczowa’s collection of sketches “Dyliżans warszawski (Warsaw Stage Coach)”. The collection was first published in 1935, and after the Second World War other editions followed, supplemented by texts written from the postwar perspective of loss. Time awareness and perception of the past connected with it in “Warsaw Stage Coach” is of double nature: in the 1935 edition it focuses on the changes “today” against “yesterday,” and in the postwar one it is marked by a feeling of an epoch's end. The reflections about the end of the prewar world correspond to those expressed in Kuncewiczowa’s other pieces, e.g. “Klucze (Keys)”, “Fantomy (Phantoms)”, and in interviews with her. Important in “Warsaw Stage Coach” is also the relation of private memory to common memory and the perception of the function of things in retaining the past.

  • Issue Year: 2015
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 109-122
  • Page Count: 14
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