Die Philosophie hat zu allen Zeiten, wenn auch nie unbestritten, die Stellung des Menschen in der Welt mit dem Interpretament „Anthropozentrik“ auszul Cover Image

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Die Philosophie hat zu allen Zeiten, wenn auch nie unbestritten, die Stellung des Menschen in der Welt mit dem Interpretament „Anthropozentrik“ auszul

Author(s): Jakub Bartoszewski
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: Towarzystwo Naukowe Franciszka Salezego (TNFS)

Summary/Abstract: This article presents the problem designed by Descartes. The French philosopher sufficiently separated himself from philosophical tradition by creating his own philosophical system, based on clear and understandable rules, the system described here in a short form and formulated in the following topic: “Descartes’ idea of order within new philosophical and scientific principles and its „sailing” in the world of human existence”. Descartes, supported by logical truths, secured the meaning of cognition. The meaning, which is, and at the same time motivates the category of all consideration of the world and human existence. Thus, what sense could there be in talking about anything if the truth was crumbled? As reflected in the article, it was Descartes’ desire to be uncompromising and not to accept any discretion in cognition, and to reveal that the mathematical character of knowledge (though it was not the philosopher’s intention) makes it impersonalized and deprived not only of emotions, but also of any subjectivity, although it derives from animal rationale . His philosophical concept is directed towards utopianisms.

  • Issue Year: 23/2006
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 149-160
  • Page Count: 12
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