Denudation features of the Late Vistulian (Weichselian late glacial) preserved in the geochemical analysis of the biogenic deposits of the Łódź Region Cover Image

Cechy denudacji w regionie łódzkim w późnym vistulianie w świetle chemicznych badań w osadach torfowiskowych
Denudation features of the Late Vistulian (Weichselian late glacial) preserved in the geochemical analysis of the biogenic deposits of the Łódź Region

Author(s): Julita Tomkowiak, Daniel Okupny, Anna Fortuniak
Subject(s): Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
Published by: Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Keywords: peatland; biogenic deposits; geochemistry; denudation; Central Poland

Summary/Abstract: The paper presents the geochemical description of selected peatlands of the Łódź region: Ługi, Podwódka and Rąbień. The aim of this study is evaluation of the type and intensity of the Late Wechselian processes in the peatland catch-ment. The thickness of the document biogenic sediments in the profiles analyzed was: 2,66 m (core R-3), 3,0 m (core Ł-1) and 4,75 m (core P-1). The objective of the geochemical analyses of the above peatlands was identification of basic compo-nents of biogenic sediments, i.e. organic matter, calcium carbonate, terigenic and biogenic silica. In the resulting solution, elements helpful in palaeogeographical reconstruction were identified by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy: Na, K, Ca, Mg and Zn. The analysis of types of denudation in the catchment following geochemical indices reflecting the most important changes in contribution of marked elements.

  • Issue Year: 2013
  • Issue No: 101
  • Page Range: 89-99
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Polish
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