Natural geographical determinants of development Maribor with particular reference to the Drava River Cover Image

Naravnogeografske determinante razvoja Maribora s posebnim ozirom na reko Dravo
Natural geographical determinants of development Maribor with particular reference to the Drava River

Author(s): Igor Žiberna
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Društvo za hrvatsku ekonomsku povijest i ekohistoriju - Izdavačka kuća Meridijani

Summary/Abstract: Since the period of the earliest settlement the Drava river has represented a connection between the above mentioned very different naturally – geographical units and as such contributed to the landscape completion. Through shaping of the Drava valley the Drava river has not shaped just central parallel axis of the Slovene Drava area, but has also enabled an easier connection between Kozjak in the north and Pohorje in the south with the Sub – Pannonian Drava area and with Maribor as a regional centre, as well. From the viewpoint of the magnitude influence and spatial aspect its influences can be divided into two expansive classes: - On regional (macro) level the Drava river has played the role of connective, even supplemental element between rather contrasting landscapes of the Sub – Pannonian (Pohorje, Kozjak) and Sub –Pannonian (Slovenske gorice – the Slovene vineyards, Dravsko polje – the Drava field) north - eastern part of Slovenia. This connection has been carried out on water body of the Drava river (rafting work) as well as in the valley, created by road, and from 1863 also by railway connection. Transport through the Drava valley has already before the beginning of the city and even more from the beginning of the second millennium onwards generated commercial and cultural connections between the Alpine and Pannonian region. - On local (micro) level the Drava river had a decisive influence on micro location of the beginning of the city and has directed its influence to this day. The plain on the left bank of the Drava river between Slovenske gorice and the Drava river – bed is suddenly strongly widened and reaches the width of about km, until it becomes narrow under Meljski hrib (the hill of Melje) to such an extent, that there is only space left for the road just under the slope. There are only a few meters of relative height on the terraces above the Drava river – bed on the left bank and as such they didn’t cause a bigger problem in the course of construction. The old city core was built on the central terrace, from which you can easily come to Pristan along the Drava river – bed. Functional meaning of the Drava river has been changing through the time. In the beginning the Drava river had an important protective and transport function, however, its meaning has been increased in the 20th century primarily in the field of hydroenergetics (the chain of power – stations on the Drava river), in the field of drinking water supply (underground waters on Maribor’s plain are also being watered by the Drava river) and in the recreational field through the development of aquatic and riparian sports.

  • Issue Year: 2011
  • Issue No: 7
  • Page Range: 116-128
  • Page Count: 13
  • Language: Slovenian
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