Профили на националната идентичност: между локализма и етноцентризма (Изследване на АСА по програмата ISSР)
Profiles of Ethnic Identity: Between Localism and Ethnocentrism (An Inquiry of the Agency for Social Analyses Carried Out with the ISSP Programine
Author(s): Liliya Dimova, Nikolai TilkidjievSubject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Институт по философия и социология при БАН
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents empirical data, initial analyses and conclusions from the December 1995 representative sociological survey on national and ethnic self-perception and identity in Bulgaria. The specific thing about this survey is that it provides valuable and detailed information about the present ethnic differentiation and prevailing ethnic stereotypes in the country. The data were collected within the ISSP programme in accordance with the internationally accepted research methods and are representative for the country as a whole as well as for three (according to the former territorial division of the country) districts — one with a totally prevailing Bulgarian majority, one with a population two thirds of which has a Turkish self-identity and one with an ethnically balanced population. It proved to be an interesting coincidence that the survey was carried out immediately after the 1995 local elections in the country as well as after the abrogation of the mayor elections in the town of Kirdjali, both events contributing to the activation of ethnic self-consciousnes. It is within this context that the manifestations of localism and ethno-centrism are registered and commented in the paper. The importance of the separate ethnic characteristics, the degree of identification with "one's own" ethnos and with the ethnos of "the others", the rights of ethnic minorities, their ethnic and cultural specificity, the possibilities for affiliation of the ethnic minorities to the dominant national and ethnic community as well as the difficulties accompanying this process are analyzed too.
Journal: Социологически проблеми
- Issue Year: 28/1996
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 23-44
- Page Count: 22
- Language: Bulgarian