The Ethnological/Anthropological Production in the Period of Transition in Serbia Cover Image

Eтнолошкa/антрополошкa научнa продукцијa у периоду транзиције
The Ethnological/Anthropological Production in the Period of Transition in Serbia

Author(s): Zorica Divac, Miroslava Lukić-Krstanović
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Етнографски институт САНУ
Keywords: ethnology/anthropology; scientific production; society; transition; Serbia

Summary/Abstract: The ethnological/anthropological production in the period 2002 – 2008, is the reflection of the complex social, economic, political and bureaucratic situations and strategies. To establish a clear picture of ethnological/anthropological production, our analyses are concentrated on the distinguished fields, themes, those who realize them, particularly in the publishing work. At the same time, we confront science and society to point out to an interconnection of proximity and distance. Ethnological networks are continuously taking place in the scope of research programs, education programs, museum programs, research programs and scientific presentation and communication programs. These programs are part of institutional and team strategies, but they are primarily instigated by individual initiatives. The principal mainstays and coordinators of research programs are the Ethnographic Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (EI SANU), in the scope of which important and diverse projects are being realized for the last 60 years; the Ethnology and Anthropology Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (OEA FF), which is, in addition to pedagogic activities, also implementing scientific projects. The Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade (EM) and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) Balkanology Institute, as well as regional museums and cultural institutions are also implementing research projects. Most research program focus on the dynamics of contemporary societal and cultural processes, but also on the continuity and transformation of traditional elements. In this document we will focus more on the scientific and research results through the publishing activity of ethnological/anthropological institutions, based on which one may observe the overall ethnological/anthropological activities in the last eight years.

  • Issue Year: LVII/2009
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 201-221
  • Page Count: 21
  • Language: Serbian
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