The song about Tzar Ivan Shishman – from traditional toward urban culture  Cover Image

Песента за цар Иван Шишман – от традиционна към градска култура
The song about Tzar Ivan Shishman – from traditional toward urban culture

Author(s): Dessislava Dimitrova
Subject(s): Anthropology
Published by: Асоциация за антропология, етнология и фолклористика ОНГЬЛ

Summary/Abstract: This article presents a possible model for analyzing socio-cultural processes of the period of the Bulgarian Revival and after the 1878’s Liberation of Bulgaria. Combining different academic viewpoints (philological and musicological) regarding the famous song about the Tzar Ivan Shishman, could help us achieve a complex approach to the problems concerning the shaping of urban culture in Bulgaria and moreover, to the specifics of the musical patterns comprising the so called „national musical repository”. Undoubtedly, composed by authors during the Bulgarian Revival period the song about Tzar Ivan Shishman represents not only a pattern of ritual thinking, but illustrates the idea of continuity in preserving moral values, quite essential for the process of nation-building during the 18th and 19th century. The research results do not pretend to conclude the debate about the complex socio-cultural situation of the Bulgarian Revival. The analysis model of this article offers a way to handle the processes of cultural transformation.

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