The origin of the Slovak National Bank and the establishment of the Slovak currency in the light of German documents Cover Image

Vznik Slovenskej národnej banky a konštituovanie slovenskej meny vo svetle nemeckých dokumentov
The origin of the Slovak National Bank and the establishment of the Slovak currency in the light of German documents

Author(s): David Schriffl, Michal Schvarc
Subject(s): History
Published by: Historický ústav SAV
Keywords: History; Germany; Slovakia; relations; Slovak National Bank; Reichsbank; currency; advisers

Summary/Abstract: German – Slovak relations in the period 1939–1945 did not exist only on the political level, but also to a significant degree in the economic sphere. Apart from political domination of Slovakia, the Nazis were especially concerned with the control and the quickest possible incorporation of the Slovak economy into the German economic organism, which had to be reshaped into the so-called great economic space (Großraumwirtschaft). A secret protocol about economic and financial cooperation concluded between representatives of the two states on 23 March 1939 in Berlin as a supplement to the “Treaty of Protection” became a launch pad for securing the dominance of German capital in Slovakia. Article II of the protocol concerned the establishment of a central bank and constituting the Slovak currency. The sources considered here present precisely this problem. The documents do not concern only the atmosphere of the talks, the share of Germany in the establishment of the central bank or the fears of the Slovak participants for their own future, they also document the pragmatism and purposefulness of the Nazi economic policy towards the “protected state”.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 01
  • Page Range: 99-122
  • Page Count: 23
  • Language: Slovak
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