The National Policy Of The Communist Party Of Yugoslavia At The Kosovo And Metohija 1937-1941 Cover Image

Nacionalna politika Komunističke Partije Jugoslavije Na Kosovu i Metohiji 1937-1941
The National Policy Of The Communist Party Of Yugoslavia At The Kosovo And Metohija 1937-1941

Author(s): Dušan Bojković
Subject(s): History
Published by: Institut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd

Summary/Abstract: During the Interwar period, Yugoslavia was viewed by the communists as an expression of will of the imperialist forces, that is to say, the product of the World War I. National policy of the Communist party of Yugoslavia (CPY) was based on the thesis of the hegemonism of Serbian people and the oppression towards the remaining non-Serbian peoples and national minorities. Organizational structure of CPY acknowledged territorial boundaries between historic provinces or regions which, by their geographic position, history and demographic structure,were set apart from one another. According to the leadership of the Party,during the thirties, area of Kosovo and Metohija indisputably represented a unique entity. Although, the question of incorporating Kosovo into ’’Serbia’’, and Metohijainto Montenegro, remained open. This distribution of ’’spheres of influence’’ can be recognized in the activity of communists on terrain: party cells in Pećwere directed towards cooperating with Podgorica and Cetinje, while the communists from Central Serbia sent their representatives to Kosovska Mitrovica. At the eve of World War II, balance had shifted towards policy of uniting the party structures at Kosovo and Metohija, which was expressed in the forming of the Regional committee, in Peć, in 1937. During this period, the Regional committee of CPY for Kosovoand Metohija, gravitated towards Montenegrin Regional committee. Atthe end of 1940. a final stand that this region is not to be divided, was made, which was further augmented by direct connection of Regional committee for Kosovo and Metohija with Central committee of CPY. National policy of CPY concerning Kosovo and Metohija was directed towards linking with shqiptar population and its struggle for ’’national liberation’’, while the rights of Serbian population in that area were completely neglected.

  • Issue Year: 2014
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 77-93
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Serbian
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