Providing quality of the business processes through motivation and establishing efficient communication with the employees Cover Image

Обезбедување квалитет на деловните процеси преку мотивација и градење ефикасна комуникација со вработените
Providing quality of the business processes through motivation and establishing efficient communication with the employees

Author(s): Vesna Prodanovska-Poposka, Elizabeta Mitreva
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Економски институт - Скопје
Keywords: Motivation; communication; System of Total Quality Management; methodologies; quality.

Summary/Abstract: The motivation and the efficient communication both are the essential pillar within the building of the TQM (Total Quality Management) system. In order to built a solid TQM system and an Informational Subsystem it is necessary to get a motivation as a mutual notion to all the internal factors that are being consolidating the intellectual and the physical energy as well, initiating and organizing individual activities, giving directions and directing the employees’ behavior, intensity and duration. Creating a communicational system within companies refers to a drastic change in the employees’ behavior, radical alteration within the organizational setting, clear defining of rights, obligations and responsibilities of each individual, which is developing a significant motor power for effectuating the system for Total Quality Management. This paper presents the methodologies for creating the system of motivation as well as the methodology for efficiency in communication to all managerial levels.

  • Issue Year: 11/2009
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 139-155
  • Page Count: 17
  • Language: Macedonian
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